Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Wow! It's been a long time since I posted.
I danced at another hafla earlier this month. I was not sure about it all, because I was the first dancer in the line, the first one to move to the music. Eeeek! I made several mistakes, but we all got good comments, so I guess all is well. I've ordered the CD, so I can see for myself. "What does not kill you makes you stronger. :)

It was a good Christmas, just very confusing. Mom was in the hospital, and we thought she might have to celebrate Christmas there, but she was able to come home that morning. Each gathering is important, because we may not have too many more as a family.

We hardly ever see movies, but we saw Avatar (ohhhh, pretty!) and Nine. I can so relate to poor Luisa. %^&*!

I've been having fun downloading iTunes, because the kids gave me gift cards. Yipeeee!

So, 2009 was a mixed bag. I am looking forward to 2010, and hope it brings happiness to all.



Guido is killing my soul.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Yeah! All of the Halloween decorations have been put away. A little late, but it's done. I'll put the Thanksgiving decorations away in the next few days, take a few breaths, then start decorating for Christmas. It's so hard to believe that it's almost December.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Still Here

Whew! Been busy with Halloween, sewing Christmas stockings, and practicing a dance for the Christmas hafla. So much to do, and little time to think deep thoughts.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Long Black Veil (Again)

Today I was playing with my black veil. I love it so much. It's almost 4 yards long, and I love the way it flows. Roseanne Cash was on a late night talk show tonight, and sang the song her father sang so often. Halloween is so close, and it's so great for this time of year. Happy, happy, happy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Yipeee! We moved the Anubis columns out into the yard today. They still need work, but we are already getting thumbs up from drivers as they pass by. We also moved the golden ox out into the yard, which the cat is not happy about. He has been taking his naps under the ox, and I think he will miss it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Nice Day

I had a good day today. Got a nice compliment in dance class. :)

Had a good time painting Anubis for Halloween. Nice!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Golden Ox

My very nice brother-in-law gave us a wire frame ox, and I covered it with gold tissue lame' for our Egyptian-themed Halloween. Happy, happy, happy!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I love Karin Jurick's site:
This week's photo was cupcakes, and if I do this correctly, I'm going to try to post an image of what I did in response.

My helpful son got it to work - yeah! Good enough to eat.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Opa! I had a *great* time Sunday at the Middle Eastern dance convention. I was glad I started on my makeup so early, because we were rushed as it was. We rehearsed 3 times instead of just once, which we needed, but it did set us behind in preparation. I've worn eyeliner maybe a dozen times in my entire life, and I piled the makeup on, but everyone kept telling me to put on more, because the lights really wash everything out. Leslie from Beaumont was nice enough to help (hugs!).

I did make a few minor flubs, but no one noticed, so that's a good thing! :) It went by so quickly! I tried not to think about the crowd, but pretend I was at home practicing by myself, but it is very distracting having a large audience.

Afterwards, we went back stage, and I jumped up and down for joy. I was soooooo happy! We hugged each other, but had to be really quiet so we wouldn't be heard up front. It was nice that there was a monitor back stage so we could watch the other dancers.

I soon went to the check in table, to show my costume to Thelma. She's the one who showed me how to make my costume. I became very emotional, because other than dancing in the studio in class of for a very small group, I had not performed in over 20 years. I sure do miss it! I gave Isis a big hug, and told her thank you, because she put in a lot of work to get me back to where I wanted to be. Opa!




Saturday, August 8, 2009

Step By Step

Whew! I've been practicing the dance routine, and with some tutoring, I'm making a lot of progress. I still have some rough patches, but at least I have a better understanding of what I'm doing now. One week until the big day!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I saw that it's been more than a month since I posted. Been busy learning choreography for a performance in August. Much to do, and not much time left. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alone Again (Naturally)

This has been a great week! Thanks to my wonderful son, I got to see Dame Edna. So funny! Wonderful treat (throwing gladiola). Munched on German chocolate cake (again thanks to my son).

I dearly love my family, but I've had the house to myself most of this week, and it's been great! No specific places to go, nothing much expected of me. I know I'll miss my family when they move on, but today was a nice treat. I did a little work, and some much needed house work, but I've played a lot, too. I've even been playing some LPs today. Our player still works, but the belt is not quite right - just a tad off. Sometimes it sounds as if the musicians have had too much caffine. :) But it's nice to play some old memories.

I'm soon to have my dessert (yep, you guessed it - German chocolate cake) and then enjoy an evening cocktail with my name on it (yum!). Good times.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I took a post-prandial ambulation today. As I walked, I got to thinking about how much things have changed in the 23 years I've lived in this house. I first got to thinking about Buttons the cat that used to live at a neighbors' house. It was a gray cat that loved to relax on their roof. I also miss the dog Frisky that used to live across the street. It was not the world's prettiest dog, but it was loyal to its owner. Then there was Skip, who was the dog on the corner. It was well trained, and would go to the edge of the yard, but knew not to step out of the yard. Its owner would do yard work, then sit on the bench under the shade of a tree, with Skip right there at his feet. He was a great dog.

Blue Eyes was another neighbor's cat, fluffy and friendly, but coyotes got to him. Wednesday was a tiny chihuahua that met an untimely end.

I noticed how big the trees have grown, ones that were just starting out when we moved here. The oak tree in our back yard was a nice tree 23 years ago, but now it is huge, and has to be trimmed back so its branches won't scrap the roof (thanks, Scott). One of the neighbors used to have a cement basket that was a planter, but the years were not kind, and it slowly fell apart. We used to have two peach trees and a redbud tree in our yard, but they too have met their end. I have even managed to somehow kill a photinia bush, which is hard to do. I seem to have a talent. :)

I also thought about all the pets we've had over the years. Daphne was my cockatiel that woke us up when we were living in the duplex that was next door to a fire. I'm eternally grateful to her. I was really sad when she passed away. Vincent was a parakeet given to us (thanks again, Scott). He was afraid of everything, but really loved his mirror. Waldo the sugar glider was funny. Jackson the bunny was so soft.

My kids have had many pets. Several fish, mice, guinea pigs, parakeets, a lovebird, a gecko, you name it. They have all been part of our family. They are all missed. But life goes on.

In My Life:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In the show Torchwood (in which everybody snogs Captain Jack) there is a pill they give to people who find out too much about their missions. This pill, called Retcon, makes the regular public forget about what they've seen and experienced. Those of you who have seen the episode Adrift, go here for an extra treat:

The other night, I had a dream about a former BFF. In the dream, we were still friends, and had gone to a conference together, even saving seats for each other. So sad to wake up and remember how much things have changed. Once trust has been lost, I don't think any relationship can be salvaged. It just hurts too much.

So, I wish I had some Retcon to forget the past, but still that trust I once had has died. In a song from Wicked, there's a song that goes "There are bridges you cross you didn't know you crossed until you crossed." I wish I had known more about what was going on, and decisions that were made that I should have been consulted about, but wasn't. I'm trying not to be so blind now. Still makes me sad.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We had a great time at the Renaissance Faire last weekend. It's so nice to get away from boring everyday life, and enjoy frivolity, see pretty arts and crafts, spend time with family, and meet nice people. It's a great escape.

I enjoyed talking to the Fool, even if it was just briefly. His costume and makeup were great, loved the bells, had a good time. I had never heard of the Untrained Dog show. I think I'll have to catch it next time we go.

I mentioned the book Fool by Christopher Moore. He had not read it yet, but I hope he does.

We had great weather. Enjoyed Doktor Kaboom. Would love to spend each weekend there. I enjoyed a stress-free time. Reality bites sometimes.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hit With a Dead Squirrel

Tonight's Desperate Housewives episode was very interesting. MJ and Bree commiserated about dead squirrels. There are many dead squirrel wielders in life. Ya just gotta get back up and try to move forward. Hurts like hell in the meantime.

Some of my links haven't been working. This is a cute video of The Mississippi Squirrel Revival by Ray Stevens:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Up To The Roof

Lots of meanings to the title today. If the rain keeps up like this, we may need to climb a little higher. We need the rain, but it would be nice if it wouldn't all come at once.

Sometimes it would be nice to get out and away. It's scary, but sometimes it's needed. Just not sure when or how.

We saw Blue Man Group in concert in 2003. Great show! Catch them if you can:


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Black Mood

I'm in a funk. Was late to dance class because of several accidents. I know I should be grateful that I wasn't involved, but I'm self-centered today and was upset that I was late.

I get thrown off center easily. It's something I'm working on, but I've got a long way to go. We were learning and creating hard choreography, and my brain was in such a tizzy with all that's going on in my life, I just barely squeaked by. Got frustrated. It's good to stretch my mind, and keep active, but when I don't get it, I start wondering if it's CRS, which terrifies me. I answered a quizz the other day (favorite colors, foods, etc.), and the thing I'm most afraid of is losing what little faculties I have left. I need to work my brain more, but I keep getting diverted by everyday stresses. GRRRR!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Gypsy

I'm having fun playing a vampire game online. I have a very small clan, so most of the advances are made by myself. I do have an adviser that has helped, but I've done most of it alone. I play nicely, and only take a few sips from my victims. However, when I am attacked over and over again, I just put them on the hit list, and move on. I've worked my way up to earn over 3 million units of blood an hour, so I have lots to spend.

In real life, I can't even donate a unit because my veins are so funky, but in the game I have banked over 12 million units. I wish it were real so I could actually do some good, but in the meantime, it's a great way to vent frustrations. :)

I'm the Gypsy - I'm guaranteed
I'll tear your soul apart:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ave Mary A

Last week was a very stressful week, but I'm trying to take deep breaths and get through it. I'm finding peace where I can, but even I have my breaking points. My patience is quickly running out. My Irish temper is slow to ignite, but look out when it does. I'm trying to rein it in, but as each day goes by, I'm more and more tempted to change the circumstances drastically. GRRRRRR!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Dis N Dat

Yes, I know it's been a long time since I posted.

I'm now reading Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter. My daughter loves the series, and I decided to see why she likes it. It has cats, so of course she likes it for that. But it is a good book. I'm very glad they have a list of characters in the front, because it's hard to keep track.

It's funny that I'm reading a book for a younger audience, while my daughter is reading Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood pal, which is for a decidedly older audience. I think that's funny and cool that we like the same types of things. She likes the song Satellite by Guster, and really likes the video:

I watched the show Cupid last week, and enjoyed it. I look forward to seeing it this week. They even discussed baklava. Opa! Tomorrow is The Day That Will Live In Infamy (for me, at least).


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm Still Here

It's been a busy week. Haven't had a chance to sit and think. Hopefully soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Try A Little Tenderness

Short and sweet post:


Very important to keep that in mind.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A White Picket Fence Around Chaos

Before I start today's post, I thought of a perfect song for the last one I posted. Yeah, I know, to do it right I should go into the old post and edit it. Too bad. :)

Now for today's post. The title comes from a chapter of the book I'm reading now, Coyote Blue by Christopher Moore. The first book of his that I read was Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. I think I still love Terry Pratchett's books a little more, but Moore is becoming a close second.

Coyote Blue is all about chaos, and how the main character deals with it. Lots of helpful hints, which I desperately need. I don't care for chaos. Some people thrive on adrenaline and excitement. I'm a slow and steady type of person. I even prefer the Steady State theory of the creation of the universe, even though lots of evidence points to the Big Bang. Actually, the latest theory seeks to combine the two, because there is evidence to support some version of both.

So, I encourage everyone to check out Christopher Moore's books. And I don't even get a percentage of the sales. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh, well...

Yes, I do have fun in dance class, but some days are better than others. Yesterday was a bit humbling. We did extensive veil work, then formed a circle, and each lady got to perform for a short improv. I had pictured what I wanted to do, and was just starting out when I guess I stepped on the veil or something. The next thing I knew, I landed on my fanny. BTW, fanny is a really bad cuss word in the United Kingdom.

Anyway, I laughed for a little while, then quickly finished up and tagged the next lady. I think the teacher actually was glad that it happened, because afterward she talked about how these classes are safe places to experiment, and that sometimes leads to temporary setbacks, but we need to persevere. I practiced this morning, and I'm hoping she'll let me have a Mulligan next week.

I thought about posting Britney Spear's video for Oops I Did It Again, but I'm not a big fan of hers. So I will work on my grace, and hope next class is better. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Red Skirt

Yeah me! I finally finished my red three-tiered skirt. I had been lusting after it since I first saw the material, but was not willing to pay full price. I found it on sale in November (60% off -w00t!).
It took a lot of time and patience, but it's finished and I wore it to dance class today. I used 20 yards of thread just on the hem alone. There are about 10 yards of material in it, and it's heavy, but it's soft and shimmery and lots of fun to wear. It's a shiney red, with deeper red flocked swirls.. It has a few glittery sprinkles on it.

My next dance costume project is a belt. I've had the material forever. It's a sheer black with silver stars on it. It should be really pretty. Then I'll either make a black vest, or maybe a vest out of the rest of the red material, or if I get really creative, I'd like to make one that's reversible so it can be black on one side, and red on the other. We shall see what I can do.

But for now, I'm proud of my new skirt. :)

This music video is not my usual cup of tea, but it's interesting and different:

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yipee! Our pirate ship is back in our yard again. My brother-in-law built it for us for Halloween, and a neighbor used it for a school fund raiser. It turns out they also used it as a "love boat" for the Valentine's dance. So it's been used three times so far. Yeah!

The theme for this Halloween is Egyptian. We are already starting to buy cheap props from half-price sales and Goodwill. I already have my costume ( a caftan that I've had for more than 25 years).

I finished sewing my dancing vest tonight. After it's ironed, I think it will look very pretty with one of my outfits. My next step is to assemble my scarab necklace, then my red skirt.

I had to go get a shot today, because I've had a cold for three weeks that I just can't shake. Hopefully I'll have more energy once I'm past this. Stress has also been draining my energy, so I played in my Zen garden the other day. Deep breaths.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thanks, P!nk!

I love her lyrics:

I don't wanna be the girl who has to fill the silence...
The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth
Please don't tell me that we had that conversation
When I won't remember, save your breath, 'cause what's the use?


Monday, February 16, 2009

Keep On Truckin'

Oh, I are a happy camper! Today I was asked to draw a truck with a telescope in the back.
I'm very pleased to be asked to do it. I am sooo not an artist, but I had done a West Texas version of Starry Night for a Texas Star Party T-shirt back in 2002. Van Gogh is my favorite artist, and Starry Night is my all-time fav. I have several images of it, from an wall picture, to a tote bag, to a blanket, I love that picture! Yes, I've seen the Mona Lisa, and it was nice. I probably would have enjoyed it more if there weren't a gazillion people in the Louvre also trying to take a gander at it.

If'n I can figure out how to to it, I will attach the images here.

One of the go-by images my friend sent me was a painting of a truck done by J. Vincent. I really liked his work. I have looked for a link to find the original, but no luck so far.

So, cross your fingers that I can successfully post my images.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I posted a link to P!nk's song Sober a few days ago. I really do like her music. The first time I remember hearing about her was when she was a guest on Bill Maher's show. He can be funny and annoying by turns, but I like that he challenges traditional thought.

I've downloaded several of her songs, and as soon as I get another iTunes card, I'm going to buy Sober, and also Glitter In The Air. That's such a pretty song. Her current album, Funhouse, really (see, I used the word really again) shows how much pain she is going through in her life right now. She and her hubby have split, but there may be hope of a recociliation. I hope she ends up happy, no matter how things turn out. Her songs help get me through difficult times. In fact, I think I'll go to YouTube now to listen to Sober again, until I can download it.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mousy Day

I had a very nice mouse day today. Had a family get-together and I got several Charming Tails mice. Yeah! I don't know why, but I have always loved mice, both real and ornamental ones. There are some really cute ones in the movie Coraline, although they actually look more like kangaroo rats, which are still really cute.

Well, I have survived Valentine's Day, and yesterday was Friday the 13th. It wasn't a great Friday, because I had to take Pharaoh the cat to the vet. Urinary tract infection. He is still groggy from the sedative. We had to leave him overnight, and the house was really quiet without him.

So far 2009 has not been a great year [spitting on the floor]. Hope it gets better soon, but at least I had a really good day today. I use the word "really" a lot, but I really, really, really don't care. :)


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sober (Sort 0f)

I haven't had anything to drink to celebrate my birthday, but I did have some dulce de leche ice cream after dinner, and some cherry cheesecake as a late night snack. Yum!

I had a good day at dance class. We really practiced with our zills, and we had live drummers, too! Yeah us!

Today's birthdays include Burt Reynolds, Jennifer Anniston, Thomas Edison, Sarah Palin, and Sergio Mendes. Yeah us!

Time to get night chores done, then off to dreamland.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stupid Cupid

Well, I was very brave yesterday. I actually put out a few Valentine's Day decorations. I don't really like Valentine's. Bad things happen on Valentine's (such as the Valentine's Day massacre). I did set out a few Valentine's mice ('cause they're just so cute!). I wanted to appease Cupid so he's not too p*ssed off.

I think Valentine's Day is mainly for candy and flower vendors. I hate the thought that so many guys buy presents not because they truly want to, but are desperately trying to stay out of the doghouse. It sucks.

I haven't seen the TV show named Cupid, but it looks funny. In one scene he has a rifle instead of a bow. Appropriate.

I heard Wynonna Rider sing a new song, I'll Keep Falling In Love Until I Get it Right, on GMA today, but I couldn't find it on YouTube so here's an oldie but goodie:


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Holy Guacamole!

"Oh, that's right. It is time for the Superbowl," my son said as he opened the refrigerator. I would eat tons of guacamole every day if I could, but I try to limit myself to non-piggage doses. I always treat myself over Superbowl weekend. I could care less about the game, no matter who is playing, but I like the silly commercials and I *love* to pig out. This Sunday I didn't even watch the commercials, 'cause we were celebrating Daddy's birthday.

My brother-in-law sent me this link, and it helped improve my mood.

Enjoy, and if you make some, send me a taste! :)

Hold On


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life On Mars

I really like the show Life On Mars. The writing is great, and I love hearing the music that was popular when I was in high school (waaaay back in the '70s). So much writing is about the outsider, the person put in unusual situations, who has to figure a way to either get back or survive (and maybe thrive) in the condition they find themselves in.

I loved Pushing Daisies, and I'm so sad that only a few more episodes will be aired. I also love Christin Chenoweth, who played a great role in Daisies. It's such a shame that good writing seldom lasts on TV. Reality shows are cheap to make, and I've watched my share of them, but I long for thoughtful scripts. The Visitor was a great one for Star Trek:DSN. The Desperate Housewives episode with Beau Bridges actually brought me to tears. Perfection.

Here's music from the latest Mars:
The dancing ain't that great, but it looks like she was having fun, so that's what counts.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Better Now

Last week was a rough one, but things are improving. Talked it out, took lots of naps, and movin' on. I'm on the verge of catching a cold, but I'm gonna treat myself real well with rest and meds, and hope next week is better.

Hope everyone else is doin' well, too.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lousy Day

It's one of those days when I need lots of sugar to go with the lemons that keep piling up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Two posts on the same day?!?! (Gasp).

I have recently gotten interested in drawing again (thanks, CLO). Back in the '80s I had a goldfish named Giselle. I chose that name because she (I don't know if it was really female) had beautiful fins and tail that flowed like a ballerina's skirt.

She was so pretty that I drew her, one from the side and one from a top view. I was very pleased with them. I even scanned them and sent them to another friend several years ago. I thought I had kept them in the computer, but when I went to look for them this week, I remembered that I had deleted them to keep the computer files from becoming too clogged.

"No problem," I thought because I still had the originals. Well, tonight I went to the drawer where I kept them, and they weren't there. After much digging, my brain finally kicked in and I remembered that I had cleaned out the other pictures I had drawn for my friend, and I think I may have recycled Giselle's portraits, too. Damn!

Several years ago, I did the same thing with a short story I had written. I thought I had a copy in the computer, and I also thought I had other hard copies, so I cleaned up and recycled them.
I think that's why I like jigsaw puzzles so much - I like to bring order out of chaos. I proof read to get things the way they should be (although if you look at the dishes stacked in the kitchen sink right now, that would be hard to believe). Even as I was looking through my drawer, I was throwing out paint sample sheets. I did keep the ones that had a sample we actually used to paint a wall. We've done a lot of painting in the 22 years we've lived here. It's hard to believe we've been here so long. My daughter's friends can't believe she's never moved - ever.

So, my lesson to myself is, yes, I need to keep the house organized, but don't be too quick to throw things out.

And I miss Giselle.


Today the weather wasn't too bad, but an arctic front is headed our way, and I ain't pleased. I would rather put up with mountain cedar in warm weather than freezing my *** off in the cold. That's why I don't live in the northern states. Brrrr! Some states had below zero temperatures as highs today.

Yesterday on Facebook I rode a virtual ski lift with a friend. That's the only kind of ski lift I want to ride. I have never been interested in snow skiing, and if I went to a ski lodge, I would just sit by the fire, reading a book and sipping my hot chocolate with a dash of amaretto.

In short, I hate cold!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Feng Shui

Ah, my son figured out why he has a cold and possible ear infection. The government made us rearrange our living room, and he usually gets sick when we make a change in furniture. I have a science background, but there are things that happen that science can't explain.

Our old TV was not HD ready, so we bought a new one (it's soooo purty). The new height/width ratio means we had to reshuffle the furniture. Since we were moving things around, I decided we needed to shampoo the carpet as well. So it's all the government's fault! :)

I have started putting things back into the room, now that the carpet is dry. I love my books, CDs and mice, except when I have to move them all. We have three tall bookcases (they don't all have books on them) two waist-high bookshelves, an entertainment center, a buffet, a video cabinet, the couch and a chair. That's a lot to move around. It was good to get it all dusted off, and we even found a Skipbo card back behind the entertainment center, but I don't want to do it again any time soon.

I had never heard of this song before. I Googled to find it. I like the song, but I couldn't find the lyrics, so I hope there's nothing risque in it:


Friday, January 9, 2009

Here 'Tis

LOL! I was so pleased to find others on the Different Strokes site thought the dome looked like a UFO. Please visit the site!

Here's my version.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just Because

I was brave again today! There is a wonderful Website that a friend told me about, http://www.differentstrokesfromdifferentfolks.blogspot.com/, in which a photo is posted and artists create their own interpretation of that photo. I really liked the current one, an evening shot of the Jefferson Memorial, and I sketched it.

I am in no way an artist. My drawing style has been called childish (it was meant as a compliment). I can't really do perspective and dimensions, just very simple lines. So it took a lot of courage to send it, but I'm happy that I did. My son helped me scan and post it. We shall see if it is actually posted on her site.

And thanks to CLO for telling me about the site.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Like To Move It

Oh, I had a good day at dance lessons. Many of my classmates have moved on with the same schedule, and there are several ladies staying in that I have seen before. It was nice to stretch and move, and work off those holiday calories.

I also wore my purple handkerchief hem skirt that I made yesterday. It looks so pretty! There are several projects that I have the material for, just haven't had a chance to make them yet. But I had fun today!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bungle in the Jungle

I had a good time yesterday, once I got over my wimpyness. There was freezing rain yesterday, and I am such a chicken about driving anywhere if the roads are icy. I listened to news and weather, and it sounded like the ice was mainly on the trees and guard rails, not the roads themselves. So the kids and I headed out to the mall.

We had dessert at the Rainforest Cafe. Yum! It is our traditional holiday treat. We found a new hoodie for my daughter, because her old one was falling apart. All in all, it was a fun afternoon.


Sunday, January 4, 2009


The weather was beautiful yesterday, but I was miserable. That cursed mountain cedar was in the air, and I spend the day sneezing my head off. It didn't help that I was doing a major clearing and cleaning of the living room. Those dust bunnies are killers. :) At least I was sneezing for pollen and dust on the same day, instead of having an allergy day plus a dust day. I'm almost finished clearing the room so we can shampoo the carpets.

It's all the government's fault! If TVs were not being forced to switch, I would be content with our old TV, such as it is. At least our current TV makes me get up off my lazy *** to adjust the volume. I'm sure I will enjoy the new one, but I'm a creature of habit, and usually don't change unless I'm forced to.

As for those dust bunnies:

Friday, January 2, 2009

One, two, three...

...four, a gazillion pine needles on the floor, so that's what I'll be doing later today. I still love the scent of a fresh tree.

Not much exciting happening today, just cleaning up and coming down from the holiday high.

I did download this song recently, which makes me happy, and doesn't give me the blues. :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, it's been a great year so far! We had fun at a party, where we spend almost every New Year's Eve. It's good to see friends we (sadly) only see once a year. Saw a friend and former classmate that I had not seen in 30 years. I would not have recognized him if he hadn't been introduced. My, how time flies.

I wore my black ruffled skirt and new black boots. I love them, and I always feel great and get lots of compliments when I wear my skirt. I even get compliments from the lady whose shop I bought it in. A great outfit to start the new year.

I usually dont' make New Year's resolutions, and I ain't a'gonna now, but I will try to post more often. Time is short today because I need to take down the Christmas tree. It's always so sad, and painful, because no matter how much we water the tree, those needles get dried and are sharp. But I don't like artificial ones very much, so we'll keep getting real ones. I actually would like to someday get an aluminum one, because that's what we had when my sister and I were growing up, color wheel and all.
